Health and Safety Policy
St. Patrick’s BNSCambridge Road RingsendDublin 4Nov. 2017 Health and safety Policy The Board of Management of St. Patrick’s Boys N.S. is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for pupils, teachers, and ancillary staff and for members of the public with whom we come into contact.A health and Safety statement has been drawn up. Fire-fighting equipment is checked annually and a fire drill for pupils, teachers and ancillary staff is held once a term.In recent years several improvements have been made to the school buildings to improve the comfort and safety of the pupils and staff. Examples of these are: The erection of security shutters at the back of the school.The installation of a school alarm system.Installation of new yard surface. Procedure for dealing with pupils with specific health requirements is in place. Parents are requested to inform the school if a child has a specific health requirement. This is kept on file and is updated as parents inform us.Children are advised on diet and nutrition, sleep, exercise and hygiene on an informed basis in class as part of the Physical Education programme and in the context of the S.P.H.E. programme. The school participates in health awareness projects organised by the local Health Board. Parents often express concerns about the weight of schoolbags. Consequently pupils are encouraged to carry only what they need and to tidy their schoolbags each week. The pupils are allowed to leave textbooks and copies, which are not required for homework purposes in school.Pupil accident books for the front and back yards are kept and incidents are recorded. A record of acts of vandalism to the school is also kept. The school Code of Behaviour is in each child’s Homework journal and a copy is usually given to the parent of a new entrant to the school. The Code of Behaviour contains among other things a list of suggestions, which are designed to make the school a safer place for all. The school code of Behaviour has inputs from teachers, parents, B.O.M. and from senior pupils. Safety Statement on behalf of the Board of Management of St Patrick’s BNS 1. Introduction This Document has been prepared in compliance with the 2005 Health and Safety Act. 2. Board of Management Philosophy The Board of Management recognises and accepts not only its statutory responsibilities, but also its obligations as an employer to direct, manage and achieve, in so far as is reasonable and practicable, the Safety, Health and Welfare at work of every employee, pupil and visitor to the school. The Board of Management believes that each employee accepts his or her legal and moral responsibilities for improving and maintaining safety, health and welfare in the workplace and for personal safety, health and welfare or that of others. 3. Safety Organisation Safety is a line Management responsibility. Staff are responsible for safety in their own area and the implementation of relevant safety procedures. The Safety Officer shall monitor safety generally and the operation of safety procedures. The principal shall ensure that each employee shall obtain a copy of the Safety Statement and shall be familiar with its contents. 4. Safety Officer The principal, Ian Lane, is the Safety Officer. He shall be responsible for overseeing the safety provisions on behalf of the school. The deputy principal is the Safety Representative elected under the provision of the 2005 Health and Safety Act. They should be consulted if any of the employees have queries regarding any of the safety provisions mentioned in this statement. The Safety Officer shall make the Board of Management aware of their duties with regard to the following:- To guide and advise on all health, safety and welfare matters. To ensure that the school fulfils all statutory requirements in respect of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989. To ensure that the appropriate safety education and training are co-ordinated and carried out using both in house and external resources. To undertake regular and appropriate revision and auditing of the school safety procedures and methods of operation, to ensure that they are kept up to date. e) To ensure that adequate fire protection and prevention measures are provided. The safety Officer shall investigate all accidents and dangerous occurrences and shall ensure that appropriate statutory notification procedures are properly completed. Causes of accidents shall be determined as far as is practicable and where, appropriate, remedial action shall be specified. 5. Safety Training All employees will be:- Instructed in lifting and handling methods. Advised of the protective clothing and safety equipment available and the areas where they must be worn. Advised of the nature and location of fire equipment and how it is safely operated. Notified of any change in safety procedures. Trained in the use of a defibrillator (full time and long term teaching, SNA and administrative staff). A list of all staff trained in the use of the defibrillator is on the wall beside the defibrillator cabinet. 6. Electrical Appliances Arrangements will be made for all electrical appliances to be checked out on an annual basis by a competent person or maintenance person (caretaker), the supplier or his agent. Before using any appliances the user should check that:- All safety guards, which are a normal part of the appliance, are fitted and in working order. Power supply cables/leads are intact and free of cuts and abrasions. Suitable undamaged fused plug tops are used and fitted with the correct fuse. Children will be made aware of the dangers of tampering with electrical apparatus, sockets etc., children will never be allowed to connect/disconnect electrical appliances. 7. Chemicals, Solvents, Detergents. Copier Toner, etc. Safety data sheets are supplied with all such materials. Members of staff using these materials should familiarise themselves with the hazards associated with the materials and precautions to be taken in the event of spillage, splashes, etc. 8. Welfare To ensure the continued welfare of employees, toilet and cloakroom areas are provided. Staff must co-operate in maintaining a high standard of hygiene in these areas. 9.Fire Protection (Sharp Group look after this)Fire extinguishers are provided and correctly sited to meet statutory and insurance requirements. All fire-fighting equipment is regularly tested and serviced by specialised contractors. In accordance with the recommendation of the appropriate Irish Standard for Fire Equipment. At least 20% of extinguishers will be discharged each year and relevant employees trained in the safe use of the equipment. All fire exits and emergency paths of egress are identified and kept clear at all times. 10. Fire Prevention Fire extinguishers inspections and analysis of potential fire hazards are regularly carried out by Sharp Group, in consultation with the Safety Officer. Liaison with relevant authorities takes place as is necessary. 11.Evacuation An evacuation procedure has been prepared as per S.18 (2) Fire Services Act 1981 and is provided to each employee. Evacuation drills will take place once per term or more often if required. Employees are reminded to familiarise themselves with the premises. This is organised by the Principal and Deputy Principal 12. Smoking Smoking is prohibited in Primary and Secondary schools, including the school yard. 13. Duties of Employees The attention of employees is drawn to the following duties of persons employed as laid down in Section 9 off the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989. It shall be duty of every employee while at work:- To take reasonable care for his/her own safety, health and welfare and that of any person who may be affected by his/her acts omissions while at work. To co-operate with his/her employer and any other person to such extent as will enable his/her employer or other person to comply with any of the relevant statutory provisions. To use in such manner and so as to provide the protection intended, any suitable appliance, protective clothing, convenience, equipment or other means or thing provided whether for his/her safety, health, welfare while at work. To report to his/her employer or immediate supervisor without unreasonable delay, any defects in plant, equipment, place of work or system of work, which might endanger safety, health or welfare of which he/she becomes aware. No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse any appliance, protective clothing, convenience, equipment or other means or thing provided in pursuance of any of the relevant statutory provisions or otherwise for securing the safety, health or welfare of persons arising out of work activities. 14. Accident/Incident Reporting All potential serious accidents, whether involving employees, pupils or members o the public must be reported immediately to the principal. This is necessary to monitor the progress of safety standards and to ensure that proper medical attention is given where required. An accident report file should be retained for recording of all such accidents. 15. General SafetyThe aim of the Board of Management is to provide a healthy and safe working environment. This can be achieved with the help and assistance of all employees and by pupils by :- Observing the general rules of safety.Using all plant, machinery and equipment in a safe and proper manner.Employing all proper procedures when carrying out tasks and ensuring that no practices are used which may act as a source of danger to themselves and to others.Keeping work areas clean and tidy at all times.Making sure all corridors and passageways, particularly those leading to escape routes are kept free of obstruction at all times.Taking care that fire points are not blocked or covered up in any way and they are ready for use if the need arises. 16. Concluding Comment This Safety Statement has been prepared based on conditions existing in the premises of the school at the time of writing. It may be altered, revised or updated at a future date so as to comply with any changes in conditions. This policy is in keeping with the provisions of our Child Protection and Code of Behaviour Policies. 17. Review The Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed in October of each calendar year. If new buildings are erected or internal structural changes are carried out. The policy will be reviewed in the light of the changes necessary and ratified at the following BOM meeting. The checklist will be updated each calendar year at this time also, but may be updated at any time to reflect changes in conditions. |