Parent Teacher Contact Policy




Reviewed 2017

Teachers in this school will usually make themselves available for brief consultations or to answer any brief queries from parents without the need for a prior appointment. However, if a parent seeks a more formal or lengthy discussion or wishes to make a complaint or air a grievance, the parent in question should make an appointment with the teacher through the School Principal.

1. Informal meetings with teachers at the class door are discouraged for a number of reasons:

  • A Teacher cannot adequately supervise his/her class while speaking to a parent at the door.
  • It is difficult to be discreet with so many people within earshot.
  • It can be embarrassing for a child to see his parent/guardian talking to his teacher at the door of the classroom.

In a case where a teacher feels threatened/frightened/intimidated when dealing with a parent he/she should walk away and immediately report the incident to the Principal.

2. If a parents wish to drop in lunch-boxes or sports gear etc. they should not disrupt the class. Instead, the items in question should be left at the Principal’s office.

3. A written note may also be used to communicate between parents and teachers.

4. Parents/Guardians are responsible for their children until they are collected from their class line at 8.50am by their teacher. Parents/Guardians collecting children at 2.30pm are asked to remain in the yard and leave the space between space for the children leaving the school. This does not apply to the Junior and Senior Infants leaving at 1.30pm.

5. Parents/Guardians must not enter the school building prior to 8.50am.

6. Unless parents/guardians need to speak to the teacher/principal there is no need to walk the child to classroom. In order to cultivate independence, children should be encouraged to hang up their coats etc. and seat themselves in preparation for the school day. 

7. Dogs (or other animals) are not allowed inside the school gates. 

8. Smoking inside the school gate is prohibited by law.

9. Parents/Guardians should discuss any disagreements or grievances with Principal. Parents/Guardians should not admonish other parent’s children in the yard or enter into arguments with other parents

10. Aggressive behaviour or angry confrontations will not be tolerated. Parents engaging in such behaviour will be asked to leave the premises and sanctions will be put in place if necessary.

11. Parents/Guardians should not take their children out of class prior to school closing time unless for a medical appointment or a family emergency.

12. Please mark all items of clothing with your son’s name.