The boys from Ms. Purcell’s 3rd & 4th classes took part in some creative writing workshops recently. They wrote some stories in groups and entered these stories into a competition with students from 8 other schools. Each group had to write a scary story for the competition which was called The Nightmare Club. The winners of the competition came from our school! Take a bow Josh, Leinard, Oisin and Sam. Their scary story called ‘ Charlie and the Chocolate Video Game’ won the prize. Thanks to these great writers the whole class are going to go on a trip on the Dublin Ghost Bus where a famous writer will tell them scary stories as they drive around scary parts of Dublin. Well done boys! The school is very proud of you. Mr. Booth treated the class to pizza today to show how happy we all are here in St. Patrick’s BNS. Ms. Purcell is doing a great job with these budding Eoin Colfers and Bram Stokers. You can read the winning story on