The Parents’ Association Christmas Raffle took place today in school and here are the winners!
1st Prize Mr Lane No-014
2nd Prize Stephen Sheppard No-0169
3rd Prize Melissa & Lee No-014
4th Prize Ollie Ennis No-071
5th Prize Tracy Cullen No-077
6th Prize Justin No-0132
7th Prize Anthony Owens No-036
8th Prize Eddie Goad No-0163
9th Prize Jordan Collins No-0181
10th Prize Oisin & Faye No-033
Mr. Lane donated €100 from his winnings to be given as prizes
11th Prize Karen Kiernan No-096
12th Prize Adam & Sophie Gannon No-019
13th Prize Sam Flynn No-0145
14th Prize Linda Carey No-0199
15th Prize Dan Kenneddy No-0175
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