Dear Parents/Guardians,
We have decided to introduce a few simple measures in order to reduce the amount of waste we are producing. We hope this will make the school more environmentally friendly and also reduce our refuse bills.
A recent survey of our class room bins showed that the vast majority of our waste was leftover food, food wrappers and containers. If this part of our waste was eliminated we would reduce our waste production by 80%. This would save the school a lot of money as well as making the classrooms cleaner and more hygienic. As a result, each boy is asked to bring home his uneaten lunch and food/drink containers in his lunch box to be disposed of at home. The class teachers will demonstrate how to do this and the boys will be taught about the benefits of recycling.
We thank you in advance for your co-operation in regards to this venture. This will be the first step towards making the school experience a “greener” one.
Kind Regards,
Robin Booth
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