As part of our Creative Ireland project we asked the boys what they would like to have in the school to make them enjoy it more. The two things that kept coming up were climbing walls and boxing bags. Let it never be said that we don’t listen to the boys here. They asked and with a little help from others, we delivered.
Ms Sherry purchased some boxing bags and Gary hung them around the school. They can be used under supervision if someone is having a bad day or is frustrated or annoyed about something. They can also be used at break-times. We also hope to have some boxing lessons with Michael Carruth in the New Year.
The second request was for climbing areas in the school. We did our research and found a great Irish company in Galway called The Carambola Ltd, our lunch company, allowed us to use our loyalty fund with them to purchase 20 traversing boards for the school which were installed over the Hallowe’en Mid-term break. The boys have been having great fun working on their climbing and traversing skills on them.
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